When a WASTE INTERCEPTOR Collects Recycleables, He/She logs the collection in Kilograms into the Database of the VICFOLD Recyclers through an Internet Enabled Device, the subscriber immediately gets an SMS Notification of the Green Points awarded for that Collection and a cummulative of the Green Points Unclaimed so far, The Collector also recieves a certain % of the Green Point awarded to the Subscriber as Interceptor's Bonus. Both Subscriber and Interceptor gets rewarded and can redeem their Green Points whenever desired.

The Various Households, Street Vendors and Slums where these UBCs and PET are received from stand to receive Incentives and are rewarded with various Household Items as rewards for joining the cause for a Green Environment. Below are the ways reward points would be giving out to various Subscribers based on recycleables...

Green Points Earning Chart

1kg PET Plastic Bottle      = 10 Green Points

1kg Pure Water Sachets = 10 Green Points
1kg Used Beverage Can (Aluminum) = 20 Green Points

Other Recyclables



Registration of Intending Subscriber is Done Online. Click Here to Register or by the Desk officer (if it's a walk-in) or by the Waste Interceptor (if it's on the field).

RECYCLE & EARN GreenPoints

Schedule Recycleable Waste Pickup by Phone Call / SMS request, A Waste Interceptor visits you for Collection and you earn Green Points.

Redeem Green Points

Visit Vicfold Recyclers Redemption Store to redeem. Items ranges from Food Items, Recharge Vouchers, HouseHold Consumeables and Appliances.


Training and Consultancy

Waste Management Equipments Supply

Renewable Energy Consultancy

Waste Audit Reporting

Sensitization Campaigns & Advocacy

Corporate Social Responsibility